Monday, June 20, 2011

Momma told me to

I'm a firstborn.  By nature I am a rule-follower and a people-pleaser. 

You are probably noticing that there are wayyyyyy more posts here at AWAMAM than usual.  The reason is two-fold. 

First, the path God has led us to is nothing if not unpredictable.  I need an outlet.

Second, my mom wants me to write.  She wants me to publish a series of best-sellers, but we are going to set our sights a little lower dear Momma and aim for a mildly entertaining blog.  Ok?

So bear with me and my ramblings.  I'm a UA graduate and a Bama football fan and around here when "Momma" speaks, you listen.

(Hush Momma...sometimes you listen.)

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