Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cookies and Caches and Babies oh my!

I have no idea what the conflict is between my computer and, but the rift has been part of my delay in posting.  I am unable to log onto my page because of something to do with a cache (my understanding of that word goes no further than the fact that it might be one of the stores my mom likes to shop) and cookies (which are my personal nemesis anyway).  But now I am on my sister & brother-in-law's computer so I have faked it out for the moment.

I am thrilled to have a few days to bond with my new niece and hang with her super cool big sis.  It is great to see their family grow, and I am so looking forward to many years of great times ahead.  I also got slammed really fast into the end of "baby fever."  I have been really thinking that another baby soon would be such a cool thing (I don't know why since Mr. Wonderful has made abundantly clear his stance on the matter).  However, upon my arrival and quick acquisition of this precious, adorable, tiny, cuddly, "floppy", peaceful little namesake of mine (shameless plug...I am really psyched about that!), I became very tired at the thought of adding a baby to our mix.  It all came back to me and I realized that I've got all I can say grace over. So for the moment, I am very content snuggling with my darling little niece and then letting SonSon stay up with her at night.  Sunshine will soon be on her own at night and I think I might be a cool person on a full 8 hours sleep.  So maybe later stork, but if not, I really like our little family just like this.  

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