Tuesday, November 9, 2010

With the focus of this month being Thankfulness, as it should be all year round, and in light of our tribe's latest adventure (that of being unemployed), I thought I would share a few things I am thankful for today:

Daddy's Girl's ability to look at a worst-case-scenario and find the good in it.
DG: "You know, if we lose our house we could just sell our our good clothes and take
the money and buy a room like this one (our den) and make little bitty rooms in it."
(Which seemed to her the most delightful idea ever. We had to laugh.)

Little Prince's favorite song and his delight at singing it all the time.
God, You are strong,
And I'm safe in Your Arms.
Make me brave all day long.
I count on You! I count on You!

Sunshine's complete obliviousness.
She simply assumes everyday that when she is "ungry," someone will feed her, when she
is going somewhere someone will put some clothes on her and that there is nothing
wrong with laughing when she feels is delighted and screaming when she
upset. Why not?

I am thankful for my children's perspective on life and for Jesus's reminder that "the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these."

-Watch and see!

1 comment:

  1. Delightful. :-) Your son will go far in life if that song continues to be his favorite. Love seeing young parents put emphasis on living for Jesus.

    www.oursheltering tree.blogspot.com


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