I am just going to admit that this year's Passion Week is not nearly as organized as last year's.
Last Year's Over-ambitious celebration
I didn't plan well (story of my life) and am trying desperately to catch up. But despite my lack of organization, today I ordered an Easter gift for Daddy's Girl on Amazon.com (which hopefully will be here before Sunday), picked up gifts for Little Prince and Sunshine and a few little things for their baskets. I finally got all of my necessities for our Passover Seder even though we officially should have observed last night and
The Prince of Egypt happened to show up from Netflix today, perfect timing.
I absolutely love symbolism. God speaks to me daily through object lessons and parables and I for that reason I am absolutely in love with Passover. There is so much involved and it is really beautiful.
However, I have had to lower my expectations as to how expansive our little family observance will be. First of all, I didn't find a family friendly "script" for it last year and have been busy the past 364 days since and didn't write my own. (On the list for next year.)
Plus, I am dealing with an elementary age child and a husband who likes to just cut to the chase about things and deal in black and white, simple facts. No flowery imagery or digging deep to get to the marrow of things, just the simple Truth. (Please don't mistake that for a backhanded insult Mr. Wonderful, but you would admit that is true.) And folks, Passover, it is all about imagery.
But tonight was really very beautiful. Daddy's Girl, who is much like her father in her love for short, sweet explanations, was really excited to help me set the table and was very reverent as she listened and participated in the observance. At the end of the Seder, we asked what hymn or praise song she would like to sing and she suggested "Jesus Loves Me." It was about that time that we had an "escapee" from the nursery join us and we all sang together. After that Mr. Wonderful prayed and we were done. No great drawn out service or anything. Just a simple remembrance of a very beautiful story that has woven itself into our very lives.
So for all the lack of planning and the insanity of this house, it was a great night,
I loved it and I am looking forward to the rest of this week as we celebrate:
a God that stuffed Himself into mortality
and dwelt with us in our rank condition
and sacrificed His life and poured out His blood of infinite worth
so that I, a very worthless creature in my own right,
could sit with Him at His royal table forever and ever and ever
because that brings Him great joy!
(Phil. 2:8, John 1:14, Rev. 5:9, Rom. 7:24, Rev. 19:9, Heb. 12:2-my interpretation)