Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 2 of The Tribes Holy Week festivities

Thank you Lord that my salvation doesn't rely on my ability to boil an egg.  Seriously.

Yesterday at Sundown was the beginning of Passover.  I have a deep love for and interest in the Old Testament and how it reveals such a gorgeous picture of Who God is and also points to Christ as the Messiah.  So this year, I decided we should observe the Passover Seder.  

This seemed to me totally do-able.  Even with 3 little ones and a slam packed week.  No big deal.  

This is where I was so very wrong.  

There is a reason that Jesus sent the disciples AHEAD to prepare for observing the Passover.  

It is a lot of work.  And we did such a scaled down version too!  But I did learn the following lessons:
  1. Shop for your lamb shank before Passover begins.  This may be common knowledge, but me, I learned the hard way.
  2. Make a detailed list of all the elements, what you must do to prepare them and when you should prepare them.  My charoset had no raisins, my lamb shank was too cold and my egg too hot (see below about egg.)
  3. First, I had completely forgotten how to hard-boil an egg.  Second, everyone else in the free world knows how and will cheerfully explain it to you if you just post your plight on facebook.
  4. The idea of waiting till the babies had gone to bed to observe Passover was probably a good one, however, the fact that I couldn't boil an egg gave us an approximate start time of 9:00 pm.  Although still a wonderful event, it was not enhanced by Mr. Wonderful and Daddy's Girl's yawning during their readings.
I learned a lot more, most of it good.   But I think this is enough for you to process for now.  

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