Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Ok. The kids and Mr. Wonderful are all asleep and the house is relatively quiet. Should be the perfect time to blog, right?

Should be.

However, my best blogging thoughts usually surface in the middle of the day when I am right in the middle of something really...immediate, like negotiating the "he-won't-get-out-of-my-room" peace talks or handling toddler-mealtime-strikes which yeild a pretty narrow and yet hard-core list of demands.

So by the time what is left of me gets to the time that is left, there is nothing left in me that makes any sense whatsoever. That is, if there is anything left in me at all.

But like a kid at a pet store, I can't resist tapping on the glass and seeing if you turn around and respond. It is just so darned fascinating to me that you can make connections with people you may never meet. And that people who have to listen to you all the time, might still be interested in what is on your mind.

It may not be my best material. But until Daddy's Girl gets her own house or Little Prince learns to eat whatever is set down in front of him without meltdown, it's the best I've got to offer. Thanks for turning around.

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